How to cancel a client off the $2 internet product

How to cancel a client off the $2 internet product

To cancel a client off the $2 internet product, follow these simple steps:

1. Navigate to the online order portal at and log in. If you can't recall your password, there is a "Forgot Password" button to re-set your password.

2. Hover "Orders" on the top bar and select "My Orders."

3. Click "Search" (small magnifying glass to the far right of the screen)

4. Select the checkbox next to Client Company. In the blank cell under "Contains" populate with company name and click Search.

5. Scroll to the right and locate the original order/subscription. Look for Poster Order Types "ePosterService - Internet".

6. Scroll to the left and click the "Cancel" button on the line item of the subscription you wish to cancel.

7. Click the "Yes" button, confirming you want to cancel and click "Submit." 

Now, when you refresh the page, you will see that the subscription order will reflect a status of Canceled and if you scroll to the right it has populated with a Cancelation Date.